Monday to Thursday 8AM to 4h30PM
Friday 8AM to 12 noon
Closed between 12 noon and 1 PM


To recognize the involvement of individuals who help care for a relative with a severe impairment and with whom they do not live, a new component will be added to the tax credit for caregivers as of the 2018 taxation year. This refundable tax credit will......

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Voici ce que vous devez retenir des différents éléments annoncés initialement le 18 juillet 2017 dans le cadre de la réforme fiscale du gouvernement fédéral. Notez que de telles règles s’appliqueront aussi aux fins de l’impôt québécois, et ce, tel que ce fut annoncé lors......

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A refundable tax credit has been introduced to encourage small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to offer training to their workers. The tax credit will enable qualified corporations to receive tax assistance of up to $5,460 a year for each eligible employee who participates in eligible......

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